Sisters. Sarahs. Friends. Followers. Doing life together from far away. Engaging, encouraging, participating in one anothers lives from one country to another.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Clever Sez

Hi babe,
so totally in love with the fact you have written.
pictures are amazing - the one with the house slightly hidden in the snow reminds me of a movie or tv series when i was a kid - another family that was from a far away land where wolves came etc.

Mum is here this week so it's been real good, told her you had broken some ribs (not how i knew though!). We hope you are feeling much better. It was a great story to tell actually as Kaiya had just had a tooth extracted and it had been a huge palava, she had walked out of the dentist surgery when the nurse was about to put the anesthetic injection, bawling her eyes out.  ah what to do!  Ended up coming back with me, calmly and she had it extracted perfectly.  Phew, she got to see what it was like persevering through some pain. we all thought you must have really been suffering so it was good for Kaiya to know that there could be worse pain in life!!

I heard mum told matt about Liv and Kaiya doing so well in swimming. I told her that actually they weren't that good at all but then i watched liv swim today in the swimming sports. She is actually quite good, a great improvement, one of which I knew her aunty and uncle would be proud.  I think she came second in her length race. whippieeeeee!

This week has felt rather busy, so great having mum here to help. I've got my third night meeting tomorrow night, hoping it might get cancelled.  It has felt like ahhhhh, but you gt that every now and then.
I'm heaidng to K's school camp in a few weeks, pretty excited actually. have to get time off work even!!
I have got to week 6 with the running thing and realized I actually hate it.  Finding it pretty hard, not very sporty still!   I think I might go for a mixture of walking and running still but make it shorter bursts so it doesn't take as much time!  I understand how you are feeling re exercise and weight. It's hard stuff.  
Be gentle on yourself my friend.  Time will pass quickly I hope and you'll be feeling much better. How sucky though, fully feeling sorry for you!

This photo is from our excursion to the skate park 2 weeks ago - sadly it was raining but much fun was had!  Mum and I sat in the car after we'd watching dutifully for a few minutes.  Girls didn't seem to mind the rain.

Some quotes I'm loving:
No matter where you go, there you are (you take bitterness with you, until you face the condition of your heart, you'll remain unhappy)

That's what you did, but that's not who you are (i like this for talking with the girls .....  might use it sometime!)

fights (another one for the girls)
It only takes one to stop a fight, refusing to fight back diffuses the negative energy eventually!  The only way to live like this is to embrace humility and lay down the right to hurt the one who is hurting you. 

 Have you put expectations on people to be your source of joy and happiness?  If so write out your intention to make God your primary source and others only as contributors (what a challenge!) 

As soon as we put expectation on any person to be our source - spouse, parents, children, friends or spiritual leader - we are in a form of dysfunction where we develop co-dependent relationships.  No matter how perfect the relationship begins, there will always be places of disappointment. (God must be your source)

Some of those quotes are so challenging to me at present. I'm mulling over them. Hope you find them slightly inspiring?!

It may not look pretty on the line, but this little girl is growing up and therefore must begin some more responsibilities - helping with the washing (much to her disappointment).  We're starting small but we're starting, with high heels of course!!

Last Sunday was an interesting one - I agreed to pick the girls up from Pram to help the Dad with his soccer obsession.  Turns out I need to pick them up from the church family picnic - meet the whole of the Dad's church, turn up as the 'absent' parent!
Truthfully I quite enjoyed it - I rocked up in my coolest gears, high heels, new handbag.  Girls were stoked to see me which always helps and I was the friendliest lady of all!  I had dreaded it slightly, the pastors had been 'our' friends before the incident. They were friendly, cuddles and everything! I talked with the wife a little of how we were doing now, she felt like it had been only last year that d left and was still processing through it. That was good to hear, I suggested getting in contact (if they wanted to do some research) despite the time gone by but I get the sense that won't be happening!  So often in this crazy journey of the past 4 years, I've just been reminded to let go, none of my business, all that jazz.  You definitely feel lighter not knowing the business of others!  Wondering though, has he contacted you yet?  See, I still have the things i need to know!!  I caught up with Bp the other day, he always likes to talk about that stuff so I helped remind him in a polite way that it was freeing giving that to God and not worrying. Time to move on for those that find it hard, leaving it to the One who makes a way where there often seems no way.
I'm reading an awesome book - it's by Audrey Meisner - like yourself, love your life.  I'm reading it because I'd heard a bit of her testimony and it is a goodi. Picture-perfect marriage, an affair and unexpected pregnancy (different colored baby so no hiding that!).  I'm enjoying it, it's a bit repetitive but there are gems to hold onto (quotes are from this bk).

Anyway, that's a whole lot of nothing probably, i actually write some notes sometimes on my iPhone, so i can remember what i thought would be cool to talk about or show you.  Love doing this with you, you are so great Sez, thanks for sharing the love!  How was Paris?  
Chris (friend you met in Auckland) is arriving in London tomorrow, he may give you or matty a call to touch base.  Hope that's ok, love you!! xx

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